Did you know?

Tasmania, which is also known as Tassie, is made up of the main island, which is the 26th-largest island in the world, and around 1,000 smaller islands in its vicinity. Located approximately 240 kilometres to the south of the Australian mainland. The island is separated from the mainland by the Bass Strait.

Here are some fascinating facts about Tasmania:

Geographical Isolation: Tasmania’s isolation has led to its unique flora and fauna. It boasts diverse vegetation, ranging from grazed grasslands in the dry Midlands to tall evergreen eucalypt forests, alpine heathlands, and extensive areas of cool temperate rainforests and moorlands.

Endemic Species

Tasmania is home to several endemic species, including the Tasmanian devil, a carnivorous marsupial, and the Tasmanian blue gum, a distinctive eucalyptus tree.


Besides being called Tassie, Tasmania is affectionately known as “The Apple Isle” due to its fertile soil and ideal climate for apple orchards. It’s also referred to as “The Holiday Isle” because of its natural beauty and outdoor recreational opportunities.

Aboriginal Heritage

The island was inhabited by Aboriginal peoples, and it is estimated that Aboriginal Tasmanians became separated from mainland Aboriginal groups around 11,700 years ago due to rising sea levels forming Bass Strait.

European Settlement

Europeans permanently settled Tasmania in 1803 as a penal colony of the British Empire. The Aboriginal population declined significantly due to conflicts with settlers and infectious diseases.

Capital and Population

Tasmania’s area is 68,401 km², making it Australia’s smallest state. This area accounts for only 0.9 percent of Australia’s total area.

Unique Environment

Tasmania’s diverse landscapes, from rugged mountains to pristine coastlines, make it a haven for outdoor enthusiasts, wildlife lovers, and adventure seekers.

So, whether you’re drawn to its natural beauty, its delicious food, or its quirky wildlife, Tasmania remains a captivating and distinct part of the world!