About the Creators at Wild Pepper Isle

Chris and Anna creators of Wild Pepper Isle


Photo: Chris and Anna weathering the storm while out picking pepperberriies.

Chris is a locally grown Tassie boy with a love of the environment and all things Tasmanian.

Looking for something new way back in 2015, Chris got this pepperberry thing rolling. With a degree in Agriculture and a PhD in microbiology, he ditched his lab coat for an apron, his pipette for a picking ladder, and strode out in search of Tasmanian Pepper.

Chris believes in this industry because pepperberry is Tassie’s very own and is borne out of beautiful natural places that he loves.  He is more passionate than ever about this young industry and is continuing to expand his vision for sustainably managing wild harvest of pepperberry.

Chris is supported in this venture by his partner Anna. Together they are busy propagating pepperberry plants for enrichment planting on their property in the Southern Midlands, Tasmania and raising a toddler who is showing early aptitude for all things pepperberry!

Tassie Bush Dukkah


60 grams jar.

Award winning Tassie Bush Dukkah is our own adaptation of the Egyptian dry mix of roasted nuts, seeds and spices finely blended together.

It features the highest quality wild harvested Tasmanian native and locally farmed ingredients.

  • Tasmanian grown walnuts make up the base of this Bush Dukkah
  • Wattleseed adds another layer of lovely nuttiness and also gives it nice crunch!
  • Coastal Kunzea offers its unique rounded honey and rosemary notes.
  • Mountain grown Tasmanian Pepperberry lends its signature spicey burst of flavour and fresh Tasmanian bush aroma.
  • Local small scale farmers to supply us with cool climate Tassie grown garlic, known for its strong, rich flavour.
  • We locally forage fennel seeds from carefully managed land for fresh, aromatic aniseed notes
  • Finally, we sprinkle in a dash of sea salt from our friends Chris & Alice at Tasman Sea Salt located on the pristine waters of Tasmania’s east coast.

Tassie Bush Dukkah can be served as a starter or snack when entertaining by dipping fresh bread first into olive oil and then into the mix.

Coat protein or vegetables before grilling.

Sprinkle over salads.

Apply liberally at BBQs!

Or just sprinkle it onto your dishes as a versatile nutty seasoning.

Dukkah dipping sauce

Ingredients are as follows:

  • Tassie bush dukkah – 3 heaped tsp
  • sour cream or dairy free equivalent – 3 fully loaded tbsp
  • mayonnaise (optional) – 1 fully loaded tbsp
  • parmesan cheese (optional) – 1 tbsp
  • lemon juice – half a lemon
  • sugar – half a tsp

Combine all the above ingredients and mix into a serving bowl or ramekin. Let stand in the refrigerator for an hour or so before serving. Serve dukkah dipping sauce with sliced fresh vegetables such as carrots, cucumbers and savoury biscuits or bread. You will love the purple colours that bleed out from the pepperberry!


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