About the Creators at Wild Pepper Isle

Chris and Anna creators of Wild Pepper Isle

Photo: Chris and Anna weathering the storm while out picking pepperberriies.

Chris is a locally grown Tassie boy with a love of the environment and all things Tasmanian.

Looking for something new way back in 2015, Chris got this pepperberry thing rolling. With a degree in Agriculture and a PhD in microbiology, he ditched his lab coat for an apron, his pipette for a picking ladder, and strode out in search of Tasmanian Pepper.

Chris believes in this industry because pepperberry is Tassie’s very own and is borne out of beautiful natural places that he loves.  He is more passionate than ever about this young industry and is continuing to expand his vision for sustainably managing wild harvest of pepperberry.

Chris is supported in this venture by his partner Anna. Together they are busy propagating pepperberry plants for enrichment planting on their property in the Southern Midlands, Tasmania and raising a toddler who is showing early aptitude for all things pepperberry!

Martin Cash’s Slatherin Sauce


260ml bottle.

Slatherin’ sauce is a quince based savoury sauce with a unique bush flavour imparted by Australian natives spices – pepperberry, wattleseed and kunzea.  We have dedicated it to the legend of Tasmanian bush ranger Martin Cash.

Martin Cash‘s Slatherin Sauce is fair dinkum ocka mate!  Truly Tasmanian - Australian!
It has a quince base and contains three different Australian native spices – pepperberry, wattleseed and kunzea.
The result is bonza! By which we mean she’s a total rippa!

It has a complex and truly unique bush flavour distinct from any other savoury sauce on the market.  We hand harvest Pepperberry and Kunzea on Tasmania’s east coast.  Wattle seed is wild harvested in semi-arid areas of South Australia.

Slatherin’ Sauce has been awarded a silver medal at the Royal Hobart Fine Food Awards!

So who is Martin Cash and why is he on the Slatherin’ Sauce label?

Martin Cash

So glad you asked!  Martin Cash was a famous Tasmanian convict and bushranger of the nineteenth century. He was the first man to escape Port Arthur penal colony by swimming across the shark infested waters of Eaglehawk Neck. TWICE!!

He lead an adventurous life of crime, evading capture for years until he was caught and convicted for murder. However, public lament over this conviction led to it being commuted to a lengthy sentence on Norfolk island. It seems that his popularity and Irish charm may have saved him from execution!

He lived out his days on a small farm just north of Hobart until his death in 1877.

Slather generously at boozy barbecues, raucous roasts and big breakfast fry-ups!

Slatherin’ sauce makes a great bbq sauce. But it is also good in stir-fries and in curries along side condiments such as mango chutney.


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